phone and address management software Contact: The Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation phone: 514/499-2067 fax: 514/499-3666 is a handy little application that we've developed internally at Hutchison. We're releasing it as shareware, with a low-low price of $X.XX. Feel free to download it and play around with it. It's pretty cool... features include intra-text hypertext buttons for phone dialing (not implemented yet... see the Q+A) and NeXTmail-ing, customizable colors, memorized open documents, free-format text searching and database format, fast case insensitive searching, etc. It's really worth every penny! (And hey, you did say you wanted inexpensive software!). You can find it at: Here's a short Q+A from the help panel: Q: What is A: It's a phonebook manager which can read and write ASCII plain text files. If you're currently using perl or some other command line tool to read phonebook files, then this application can live side-by-side with your tool, and you'll not have to change your file format one bit. Q: Gee, that's cool. Are you sure about the file format thing? A: Well, we're pretty sure! By default is looking for records like this: Herve Avril Hutchison Ave. Software Darcy Brockbank Hutchison. Ave. Software 514/499-2067 Danny Gagne ... As you can see, you don't have to do anything special with your records. They can be in pretty much any order. Phone uses some intelligent algorithms to figure out what's what. You can set this application up so that it reads colon delimited files, or whatever! Q: So, why is plain text better than binary? A: Because you can read it with the tool of your choice. You can also bring your phonebooks to other computers (ie. running DOS) and read them there if you need to. It also allows Phone to reside in your system along with perl or bourne shell scripts which read your ASCII phonebook file. Plain text lets everyone get along fine. Q: Ok, enough about the file format junk. How do I use this thing? A: It's pretty easy. Make a new phonebook, and hit the "Insert" menu item to add a new record. Phone will search case insensitively for records that match your search. You can search forwards or backwards based on the contents of your query field. Q: Does this app do anything else? A: You can set the color of each of your open phonebooks to help you find them amidst the break grey windows that abound on NEXTSTEP. While we figured it would make Steve Jobs have a hemorrhage, we found that a small grey window was often hard to locate. So, we allow you to drag and drop in the color of your choice. You, the user, are being allowed to be a victim of your own poor taste ;-). Q: Very funny. Do you expect me to pay you for this? A: Yes we do. This app is shareware, and if you find that you're using it, then you should send ten bucks to: Hutchison Ave. Software 3481 Aylmer, Suite B Montreal, Qc., CANADA H2X 2B4 Q: OK, if I do that, will I get free upgrades? A: Minor upgrades and bugfixes are free. We use this app internally and continue to upgrade it and add features. This is the first public release of this app, so there's bound to be more. Q: Are there any secret hidden features? A: Yes, but if we told you what they were, they wouldn't be secret and you wouldn't have any fun. :-P. Q: When are you going to implement telephone dialing? A: As soon as someone sends us some public domain phone tones, or we get our hands on a digital microphone. Q: OK... by the way, those are pretty cool color wells. Much more svelte than the usual breed. A: Why thank you! We like the emacs keybindings in the text field too. Q: I have no more questions. I'd just like to say ``What a great deal!'' A: Wait! There's more! Phone can be programmed to use hints when it parses your plain text. We're not ready yet to disclose this feature to everyone, but if you really need it, let us know. Using hints will help it determine what's what... it already uses some that are pre-programmed. Q: OK, are you finished? A: Yes. Enjoy the app. And don't forget to send us some cash :-). About Hutchison Avenue Software: The Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation is a software company based in Montreal, developing innovative custom and shrink-wrap solutions for corporate clients. Our clients include Equinox Capital Management, WSC Investment Services, Bell Canada, and Hewlett Packard.